
Simpsons fans please note - this is much more effective if you imagine it is said in the voice of Troy McLure.

Hi, I'm Mark Goodson and you may remember me from other blogs, like "So, who gets custody of the Nectar points?" and "The MaD Cookbook".

Let me bring you now a holiday diary from the summer (cough, cough, splutter) of 2012 when London had the Olympics and the UK had record rainfall. What a time to decide not to venture abroad for a break.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Having so many children between us is certainly a test and there are many saints who would have cracked under the pressure long ago.
Today we travelled to Edinburgh for our holiday. Whilst we were running around doing all the last minute things expected of us, the girls weren't exactly putting themselves out to help.  One of them decided to unpack their case completely and re-pack it in a different order and the others simply sat about saying they'd done stuff but actually hadn't.

The car journey to the airport was actually a doddle ("Are we nearly there?" wasn't uttered until 10 minutes outside Stansted) but I have no idea what was in one of the girls minds when she got on the car park - airport shuttle bus and promptly stood there not letting anyone else on until shouted at by a bemused driver.

The first actual fight took place on that very journey when two of them had to be separated and the two South Africans we were talking to who had missed their original flight to Venice due to Ryanair's incompetence suddenly had more sympathy for us than we did for them.  ("Are those all your children?  Wow."  Then stunned silence.)

Was Stansted Duty Free shopping area ready for us, I wondered?  One bottle of Auchentoshan from World of Whiskies later and we then descended on the cosmetics section to buy our holiday smellies.

So off to the plane and Sleazy-Jet were our carriers today who, I have to say, were better than Ryanair.  The Speedy Boarding supplement allowed us to sit together in 2 banks of 3 seats (questionable benefit to be honest) but amazingly alongside me there was a young family with a baby who was being breast fed during take off.  The constant yak and chatter from behind coupled with the cries of the baby made me thankful this was a short domestic flight and no sooner had we got to our maximum altitude over Leeds than we began our descent.  I think the book Dawn was reading was quite appropriate - 

It was a brilliant flight actually and we made our way to baggage reclaim where Madeline decided to try and stand or sit on the moving baggage belt whilst Anna and Izzy pretended the luggage trolleys were chariots as they whizzed between the waiting passengers.  To compound the situation,  as we opened Megan's case to check it was definitely hers the zip broke, rendering it useless and meaning a new one needed to be purchased before the next leg of the journey at the weekend.  

The weather was actually ok although it was clear that the rain hadn't been long gone and we were treated to the most amazing rainbow over Edinburgh.  The photo doesn't really do it justice.

The cab journey from the airport to our rented apartment in Easter Rd was like being at a pop concert as the girls repeatedly sang along with EVERY song on the radio but after what seemed an age we arrived  Thank heaven.  Annetta the owner met us at the door and we hauled our cases up the three flights of stairs to Apartment 4, our home for the next three days.

Dawn's parents David and Moira came to see us and after a chat during which Anna asked "Is Scotland in England?" we then went for a brilliant Indian just 3 doors away at the Rivage.  It was pretty spectacular actually and provided a good end to a somewhat stressful day. We got back and everyone went to bed relatively early.  I think the kids had tired themselves out with excitement and we were just downright exhausted.

Tomorrow we will let them loose in Edinburgh.  Help.

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